Fontana Station - Deck 03: Operations Center

The situation table, showing starships Banting, Rutherford, and Enterprise around the station.

The situation table, showing starships Banting, Rutherford, and Enterprise around the station.

The CO's office

The CO's office

The side room connecting the office to the operations center

The side room connecting the office to the operations center

The operations center for Fontana Station was located near the very top of the starbase, inside a tall central spire with a full view of the primary hull below. Being first and foremost a Starfleet command center, it was generally off-limits to visiting dignitaries, and had an austere look similar to other Starfleet interiors of the era, unlike the more comfortable diplomatic areas.

The center of the room contained 6 stations on a lower level. These stations managed the day-to-day operations; arrivals and departures; and traffic control duties. The chairs on these stations were placed on rails which let them move towards the central situation table, where a large map of the Wolf 424 system was displayed.

This central area also had a holographic projector, which by default displayed the starbase and the space surrounding it, but could be configured for various uses or turned off depending on the situation.

Visible through a large glass window is the CO’s office, where they spent most of their routine work days. The glass window could be made opaque if needed for privacy. The office was connected to the operations center via a small side room, which also contained a small two-person transporter pad for quick access to the deck by any personnel which required it.