USS Enterprise-D - Deck 01: Main Bridge (Alternate 2395)

The bridge under red alert

The bridge under red alert

On stardate 47988, Captain Picard started traveling back and forth through time, as part of an elaborate test of humanity by the Q Continuum. One of the time periods he visited was an alternate version of the year 2395 (25 years in his future), where a heavily refitted Enterprise-D was still in service as the flagship of now Admiral William Riker.

While the structure of the bridge itself was unchanged, the command chair now sat on a raised platform flanked by two guest seats; the circuitry access panels at the sides of the bridge featured a different design and were colored red; and all the door signage featured large vertical stripes, also colored red; among other smaller changes.

(You can read up on the research done onto the changes to the set during the 7 seasons of TNG and ‘Generations’ here: